About the Author

H. W Shake
H. W Shake, or Wayne as he is known to his friends, was born in Greencastle, Indiana but his parents moved to Greensburg, Indiana when he was just two years old. He is called Wayne because both his grandpa and Dad also have the first name of Howard. When they moved to Greensburg their neighbor was a Greensburg Police Officer who gave Wayne a stick-on badge. His parents said he did not want to be anything other than a Police Officer after that. Wayne also spent a great deal of time on the family farm and working for other farmers when he was in high school. Wayne’s favorite part of farming was raising hogs. Wayne states that all hogs have their own hoginality.
After graduating from High School Wayne achieved an associate degree in law enforcement from Vincennes University where he was the President of the Professional Law Enforcement fraternity. He then went on to Indiana State University where he achieved an bachelor’s degree in criminology.
Wayne has served as a Sheriff’s Department dispatcher, a Town Marshal, a city police officer and a Courthouse Security officer. Wayne has also been a field training officer, instructed at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and been an instructor in S.T.O.P.S. and Police response to Domestic Violence.
Wayne has been a fan of Science Fiction since his late cousin Ron introduced him to Star Trek some fifty years ago.