About the Author
H.W. Shake calls himself a sheepdog because he has guarded the flock as a law enforcement officer since 1983. He has been scifi fan since he was a kid. Wayne, as family and friends call him started writing when he worked third shift. On his days off he could not get to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning so he got out his computer and let his mind run. He hopes you enjoy the book.
Published Books

The Christian Soldier's Handbook
The Christian Soldier's Handbook is for those who are fighting the good...

Magnetism: The Revelation (old Cover)
Imagine a world where cars do not need gasoline. The climate control in your car keeps it at a constant...

Genesis: A History Book of Mankind
If you read the Bible as a history book rather than a novel the true past of man comes to life. Know that...

Magnetism: Book 3: To Set a World Free
With the leadership of President Will Sevrin and his cousin General Hugh Smith the Americas...
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